Jaden Garza – Being an Entrepreneur and Tech Visionary

 I have said this before, and I’ll say it again – it takes a lot. It takes a lot more than you can think of. And it is supposed to be like that because if it wasn’t, everyone would have done it. If it was easy, everyone would have been a successful entrepreneur.

All the efforts, sacrifices, and hard work – all of that is necessary to become a successful entrepreneur. You’ve to be ready for the grind – anytime and every time. Whether day or night, you’ve to be on your toes ready to get on client calls, bring together people for emergency meetings, crisis management, and what not.

Time and again, people come to me and say that successful entrepreneurs have it in their genes, it is their destiny, and they’ve got the code ever since they were born. My answer to them? - BS, crap – anyone can become an entrepreneur, a successful entrepreneur, given you have the willpower, you never say never, and you never quit.

Hard work trumps talent. Consistency trumps talent. And continuous efforts also trump talent. Therefore, it’s all about the grind.

For those who don’t know me - I'm Jaden Garza, an entrepreneur and visionary in tech, and the founder and CEO of Nomad Internet. Today, I have decided to share my entrepreneurial journey with you, detailing how I arrived at where I am now.

The path wasn't easy—it was far from a bed of roses. I experienced numerous ups and downs, setbacks, and successes.

You’re listening to someone who mishandled his own company’s fundraising. I didn’t take it seriously enough; I treated it like a fashion parade and didn’t prepare well for my pitch.

There were many hiccups and eventual failures. Despite meticulous planning and strategy, I often fell short of my goals. Financial issues plagued me, my reputation took hits, relationships soured, and morale was low.

However, I possessed one key quality: the refusal to give up. Despite all the negatives, I remained steadfast. Day in and day out, I told myself, “Don’t you ever back off, boy!” I knew I had to keep going until I achieved what I wanted.

And so, I did. In the early years of running my company, I realized I had to change my approach. If I wanted to succeed, I had to take things seriously. This is when I began to cultivate a growth mindset—a mindset that drove not only my success but also that of my team members.

Reflection and learning were the cornerstones of my entrepreneurial journey. This became evident when I failed to secure solid fundraising from investors. The fault was mine; I went in unprepared. That’s when I understood the importance of learning before taking action.

The rejection was a setback, but instead of dwelling on it, I reflected and assessed where I went wrong. Honest introspection and self-assessment proved invaluable, helping me position myself better.

As I improved these skills, I learned to adapt and pivot. I vividly remember when my competitors were threatening my company’s survival. But I’m not one to back down easily. I sought new opportunities—areas my competitors overlooked. I explored the unknown and tapped into untapped resources.

This strategy propelled my company ahead of the competition.

Since then, it has been a remarkable journey, one I’ll cherish until my last breath. If someone were to ask, “Mr. Jaden Garza, describe your entrepreneurial journey in one sentence?”

My answer would be: Embrace a growth mindset, reflect on your actions, learn from mistakes, seek support, adapt, pivot, and stay resilient.


Know more about Jaden Garza:

Jaden Garza – My Entrepreneurial Journey

Interview with Nomad Internet’s Jaden Garza

Jaden Garza - Biography, Experience and Nomad Internet


Get in touch with Jaden Garza:







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