Jaden Garza – Why You Should Never Use Public Wi-Fi?

 I've told so many people in my circle about this, but they still don’t seem to care or understand the gravity of what I'm saying. Public internet connections and Wi-Fi are a serious threat to your privacy.

Insecure networks, fake hotspots, session hijacking, and more—everything is rigged. People don’t even realize when their data gets leaked. It happens in an instant.

Jaden Garza

Whether it's free Wi-Fi on the street, at the airport, in a hotel, or a coffee shop, just don't connect. Avoid it at all costs. Why listen to me?
I’m Jaden Garza, the owner and CEO of Nomad Internet, a company providing internet solutions, including lightning-fast Wi-Fi modems with unlimited data, available even in the most remote parts of the United States.

Given my expertise in Wi-Fi modems and network security, I feel qualified to warn you about the dangers of public internet. The main issue is the lack of security. Public Wi-Fi networks are often not properly protected, making them easy targets for anyone on the same network. This puts your passwords, emails, financial transactions, personal data, and more at risk.

Another major problem is session hijacking. On an unprotected network, a skilled hacker can take over your current session and see everything you're doing. That’s terrifying.

The takeaway? Don’t use public internet or public Wi-Fi. Please, just don't. Understand the risks and share this knowledge with your friends, family, and anyone else. The dangers are real and significant. Many people have lost personal data and money due to these types of breaches.

Always take security precautions when connecting to the internet. Even if a public Wi-Fi network is password-protected, it’s still vulnerable to attacks. Stay alert. Sometimes, people leave their phone’s Wi-Fi on, which can result in auto-connecting to open networks. That’s a huge mistake. Turn off your phone’s Wi-Fi when not in use.

Please be aware and cautious about these things. Stay safe, and until next time, à bientôt.


Catch Up with Me





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