
Showing posts from May, 2024

Jaden Garza – Why You Should Never Use Public Wi-Fi?

  I've told so many people in my circle about this, but they still don’t seem to care or understand the gravity of what I'm saying. Public internet connections and Wi-Fi are a serious threat to your privacy. Insecure networks, fake hotspots, session hijacking, and more—everything is rigged. People don’t even realize when their data gets leaked. It happens in an instant. Whether it's free Wi-Fi on the street, at the airport, in a hotel, or a coffee shop, just don't connect. Avoid it at all costs. Why listen to me? I’m  Jaden Garza , the owner and CEO of Nomad Internet, a company providing internet solutions, including lightning-fast Wi-Fi modems with unlimited data, available even in the most remote parts of the United States. Given my expertise in Wi-Fi modems and network security, I feel qualified to warn you about the dangers of public internet. The main issue is the lack of security. Public Wi-Fi networks are often not properly protected, making them easy targets

Jaden Garza – Being an Entrepreneur and Tech Visionary

  I have said this before, and I’ll say it again – it takes a lot. It takes a lot more than you can think of. And it is supposed to be like that because if it wasn’t, everyone would have done it. If it was easy, everyone would have been a successful entrepreneur. All the efforts, sacrifices, and hard work – all of that is necessary to become a successful entrepreneur. You’ve to be ready for the grind – anytime and every time. Whether day or night, you’ve to be on your toes ready to get on client calls, bring together people for emergency meetings, crisis management, and what not. Time and again, people come to me and say that successful entrepreneurs have it in their genes, it is their destiny, and they’ve got the code ever since they were born. My answer to them? - BS, crap – anyone can become an entrepreneur, a successful entrepreneur, given you have the willpower, you never say never, and you never quit. Hard work trumps talent. Consistency trumps talent. And continuous effort